Wednesday, June 7, 2017

2017 06_June 06 Sunny highs in the lower 80s

So I took 6 frames from the Super in Florida ( and this was supposed to be my weakest hive lol). I left one medium super alone for the bees and extracted the 6 frames got 24 pounds (roughly according to Hive Tracks) and will bottle and give to friends.

I use a scratcher and then spin the frames... I have it down to a science and oh the wax was good!

I returned the frames back to the hive and will do inspections today.

This is nothing like fresh honey....shh don't tell my wife.

Any way the bees were calm  and were very happy to get the frames back I'll lookin on them shortly.

All is good

Considering I started with 2 colonies and now have 6 I think 'keeper' is the term not 'haver'.